Welcome to my snow globes page!

Here you will find some of the things I like to create.

I've just started making the snow globes and Love doing them.

My first try is on my main page but wanted it here too hehe.
You are welcome to use them on your personal web sites,
but I would love to have a link back to this page.
Just so others may come and choose one as well.

I will be creating more every day!
If you would like a custom globe done.
Your self, your dog, or cat, or a special picture.
Just Email me and let me know,
or send that favorite picture to be done.

Dolphin Play
One of my favorite ones
Jesus Saves
My first globe
Friends Forever
A special picture of mine
Feel his Joy!
Snow Wolf
Yes! I do have a passion for Wolves
but says it all!
Angel Ride
Too pretty not to be a snowglobe!
The Cross
He lives for me!

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