Is your site worthy of my awards?
I have been blessed with so many
beautiful awards
it's time to give a few back.
Please read the criteria for the awards below,
e-mail me with your information, and wait to hear.
I will need to know your name, the url address,
which award you are submitting for,
and of course why you feel that your site is worthy of it. hehe
Not everyone will win an award;
however, if you are one of the blessed to win this
then I will e-mail you with the image
and the information to link back to my page.
Oh yes, a link to my page is neccessary
to receive this or any of the awards.
I would appreciate it if you would sign one of my Guest Books as well.
I just love getting new people and comments in there:)
First I will not even consider any page
that is not suitable for children.
You will need to have all the links working.
If I find a broken link I will leave the site.
I look for content and creativity
not neccessarily the html
but I do look at that too.

copyright© Linda Soroka 1999.
The Beautiful Garden Award
The content has to be creative, and beautiful
I love gardens of all kinds
and will be looking not at your garden,
they are all beautiful
but at how you present your garden
on your site.
This award was created with a picture from my own garden.

copyright© Linda Soroka 1999.
The Loving Spirit Award
This is a very special award.
You may NOT apply for this award
I give this award to sites that touch my heart in special ways.
Sites that show me that you care for all people
and help others just for the sake of helping.

copyright© Linda Soroka 1999.
Award of Excellence
for Outstanding Web Design
This is the top award in the series of Web Design Awards.
I will view your site, and evaluate the design, content, and html.
You will only be sent an e-mail
if you are the recipiant of one of the design awards.
The following are the other design awards that are up for grabs!
Good Luck!

All three of these graphics are
copyright© Linda Soroka 1999.
The Gold Design Award
is for a web site that meets the qualifications
of high quality in design and content
The Silver Design Award
is for a web site that meets the qualifications
of quality design and content
The Bronze Design Award
is for a web site that meets the qualifications
of good web design
Good Luck to everyone!
The Friendship Award
This special award was fun to make
and will be given out to those who show
alot of love for friends on the web.
It will also go to those people
on the web who have shown me
the love of a friend.
Web page design by: